What are the main factors affecting the radiation of solar street lights?

blog the main factors affecting the radiation

  1. Latitude location

If the latitude is low, the altitude angle of the sun at noon is large, the distance of solar radiation through the atmosphere is short, the smaller the degree of attenuation by the atmosphere, the greater the likelihood that the solar street light project solar radiation reaches the ground; on the contrary, less.

  1. Weather conditions

On a clear day, there are fewer clouds, so the weakening effect of the atmosphere on solar radiation is weaker and the solar radiation reaching the ground is stronger. Solar street light program in cloudy and rainy weather, because the cloud cover is thick and numerous, so the weakening effect of the atmosphere on solar radiation is very strong, and the solar radiation reaching the ground is also very weak. For example, the equatorial region is controlled by the equatorial low-pressure belt, with more convective rainfall, while the subtropical region is controlled by the subtropical high pressure, with more sunny days, so the solar radiation in the equatorial region is weaker than that in the equatorial region. Subtropical regions.

  1. Altitude

High altitude, thin air, the atmosphere is weaker to the weakening of solar radiation, the ground solar radiation is stronger; otherwise, it is weak. For example, the Tibetan Plateau is the region in China where solar radiation is stronger, that’s why.

  1. Duration of sunshine

The intensity of solar radiation is obtained under a long period of sunshine. Short sunshine duration is weak solar radiation. For example, during the summer in China, the temperature difference between the north and south is not large because the higher the latitude, the longer the daytime, which compensates for the loss of energy due to the low altitude of the Sun.

blog the radiation of solar street lights

Sun street lights compared to traditional street lights, sun street lights uses renewable solar energy from nature as energy source, do not emit polluting gases into the atmosphere, and are more green and environmentally friendly, which not only realizes the protection of the environment but also eliminates the cost of large amounts of electricity expenditure in the later stage. Sun street lights because each street light is a separate individual, without laying cables, without large quantities of electrical equipment, save manpower and financial resources, but also to avoid the power supply system and other failures leading to large-scale power outages.

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